검색결과 리스트
KalmanFilter에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2012.12.28 Kalman filter for 6DOF
출처 : http://www.nuclearprojects.com/ins/arduino_program.shtml
Programming Arduino To Read IMU
The very first step is figuring out how to read the 6DOF chip, which isn't too hard. The 6DOF outputs 6 analog channels, 3 for the gyros, and 3 for the accelerometers. I'm using the Arduino Deumilanove, which happens to have 6 analog pins.
Here's a bit of code for reading and displaying all 6 sensors:
// Simply reads the Razor 6DOF accelerometer/gyro and //
// prints raw ADC values //
void setup(){
analogReference(EXTERNAL); // sets reference voltage to VREF
void loop()
//Output the raw values
Serial.print("Gyro x: ");
Serial.print(" | Gyro y: ");
Serial.print(" | Gyro z: ");
Serial.print(" Accel x: ");
Serial.print(" | Accel y: ");
Serial.print(" | Accel z: ");
delay(100);// slow down the serial output - Easier to read
If you use this code, just make sure to update the analogRead statements with your correct pins. With my board flat and close to level, I get the following 7 consecutive data readings:
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 380 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 508 | Accel z: 617
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 380 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 508 | Accel z: 618
Gyro x: 378 | Gyro y: 380 | Gyro z: 378 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 509 | Accel z: 619
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 381 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 505 | Accel y: 509 | Accel z: 618
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 380 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 508 | Accel z: 618
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 381 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 508 | Accel z: 618
Gyro x: 379 | Gyro y: 380 | Gyro z: 377 Accel x: 504 | Accel y: 509 | Accel z: 618
Gyro_Rate = (Gyro_ADC_Value - Zero_Voltage_Value) * (3.3V/1023) / Gyro_SensitivityThe zero_voltage_value is simply the initial ADC value of the sensor when it's not moving. You can read and store this value during setup. In the case of the gyro, when it's not moving, the rate should be zero, so we must zero out the gyro in the equation.
GyroRateX = (411-379) * (3.3/1023) / 0.00333 ----> (0.00333 is 3.33mV) GyroRateX = 32 * 0.0032258 / 0.00333 GyroRateX = 30.999 deg/sFrom this, I can see I'm rotating at a rate of about 31 degrees/second. Now how do use this to keep track of my overall angle of rotation? Easy! This can be done by taking regular readings and integrating them over a specified period of time.
GyroAngleX += GyroRateX * 0.02If you've not seen it, the "+=" symbology just says to add the calculated value on the right to GyroAngleX.
Accel_X = (Accel_ADC_Value - Zero_Voltage_Value) * (3.3V/1023) / Accel_SensitivityIt should be noted that the zero_voltage_value in this case is with respect to the x-axis accelerometer. Now for a worked example:
Accel_X = (558 - 504) * (3.3/1023) / 0.33 ----> (0.33 is 330mV) Accel_X = 54 * 0.0032258 / 0.33 Accel_X = 0.528 G'sNow to convert this value into an angle, we can take the Arcsin of the value. The result will be in radians. Since 1 radian = 180/PI or 57.2957795 degrees, we can just multiply the result accordingly to get degrees.
Accel_Angle_X = asin(Accel_X) * 57.2957795 Accel_Angle_X = asin(0.528) * 57.2957795 Accel_Angle_X = 0.556 * 57.2957795 Accel_Angle_X = 31.87 degreesI had found this calculation through my research. It took me a minute to think about how on earth you could go from a G-force directly to a precise angle. But it's really pretty simple...
//The minimum and maximum values that came from
//the accelerometer...
//You very well may need to change these
int minValx = 403;
int maxValx = 610;
int minValy = 400;
int maxValy = 614;
int minValz = 413;
int maxValz = 619;
//convert read values to degrees -90 to 90 - Needed for atan2
int xAng = map(AN[3], minValx, maxValx, -90, 90);
int yAng = map(AN[4], minValy, maxValy, -90, 90);
int zAng = map(AN[5], minValz, maxValz, -90, 90);
//Caculate 360deg values like so: atan2(-yAng, -zAng)
//atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians)
//We are then converting the radians to degrees
AccAngleX = Rad2Deg * (atan2(-xAng, -zAng) + PI);
AccAngleY = Rad2Deg * (atan2(-yAng, -zAng) + PI);
In the final AccAngle statements, the original code had -xAng and -yAng the other way around. It was causing my axis's to be reversed, so I swapped them, seems to have fixed it. I believe this is due to the physical orientaion that the sensor chips are mounted to each other.
// These hold accelerometer maximum/minimum values
int aX_max=0, aX_min=0, aY_max=0, aY_min=0, aZ_max=0, aZ_min=0;
// Raw data variables
int aX, aY, aZ;
void setup()
analogReference(EXTERNAL); // sets reference voltage to use voltage applied to VREF pin
delay(100); // give some time for warm-up
// Read and set starting values
aX = analogRead(5); // <- make sure to set your pins here
aY = analogRead(4);
aZ = analogRead(3);
aX_max = aX;
aX_min = aX;
aY_max = aY;
aY_min = aY;
aZ_max = aZ;
aZ_min = aZ;
void loop()
aX = analogRead(5);
aY = analogRead(4);
aZ = analogRead(3);
aX_max = max(aX_max, aX);
aX_min = min(aX_min, aX);
aY_max = max(aY_max, aY);
aY_min = min(aY_min, aY);
aZ_max = max(aZ_max, aZ);
aZ_min = min(aZ_min, aZ);
Serial.print("Accelerometer... axis(min,max): X(");
Serial.print(") Y(");
Serial.print(") Z(");
Serial.println(" ");
angle = (0.98)*(angle + gyro * dt) + (0.02)*(x_acc);I've had excellent results with this, with no noticeable lag time using readings at 10ms intervals.
#define Gyro_Sens 0.00333 // Gyro sensitivity = 3.33mV/deg/s
#define VPQ 0.00322581 // Volts Per Quid --- value of 3.3V/1023
#define ADC_Avg_Num 100.// Number of averaging readings for calibration
#define Rad2Deg 57.2957795 // 1 radian = 57.2957795 degrees
#define Deg2Rad 0.0174532925 // 0.0174532925 rads = 1 deg
//The minimum and maximum values that came from
//the accelerometer...
//You very well may need to change these
int minValx = 403;
int maxValx = 610;
int minValy = 401;
int maxValy = 614;
int minValz = 413;
int maxValz = 619;
//Calibration variables
float Gx_Cal, Gy_Cal, Gz_Cal;
float GyroRateX=0, GyroRateY=0, GyroAngleZ=0, GyroAngleZ_dt=0;
float AccAngleX=0, AccAngleY=0, AccAngleZ=0;
float Pitch, Yaw, Roll;
int AN[6]; // Hold analogRead data
unsigned long pre_time, print_clock=0;
float dtime;
void setup()
analogReference(EXTERNAL); // sets reference voltage to use voltage applied to VREF pin
delay(300); // Give things time to "warm-up"
Calibrate(); // Calibrate sensors
pre_time = millis(); //store current time to be used as "previous" time
void loop()
if(millis()-pre_time>=20) // Read ADC and does Calculations every 20ms
dtime=millis()-pre_time; //current time - previous time
pre_time = millis(); //store current time to be used as "previous" time
if(millis()-print_clock>=50) //print every 50ms
print_clock=millis(); // store current time
} //end if
//////////////////////// Functions ///////////////////////////////
void Read_ADC(void)
AN[0] = analogRead(1); // Gyro_X
AN[1] = analogRead(0); // Gyro_Y
AN[2] = analogRead(2); // Gyro_Z
AN[3] = analogRead(5); // Acc_X
AN[4] = analogRead(4); // Acc_Y
AN[5] = analogRead(3); // Acc_Z
void Calculate(void)
// Gyro portion
GyroRateX = -1.0*dtime * (((AN[0]*3.3)/1023.-Gx_Cal)/Gyro_Sens);
GyroRateY = dtime * (((AN[1]*3.3)/1023.-Gy_Cal)/Gyro_Sens);
GyroAngleZ_dt = dtime * (((AN[2]*3.3)/1023.-Gz_Cal)/Gyro_Sens);
GyroAngleZ += -1.0 * GyroAngleZ_dt * (1/(cos(Deg2Rad*Roll))); // convert Roll angle to Rads, find sin to use as scaler for Yaw
if(GyroAngleZ<0) GyroAngleZ+=360; // Keep within range of 0-360 deg
if(GyroAngleZ>=360) GyroAngleZ-=360;
//convert read values to degrees -90 to 90 - Needed for atan2
int xAng = map(AN[3], minValx, maxValx, -90, 90);
int yAng = map(AN[4], minValy, maxValy, -90, 90);
int zAng = map(AN[5], minValz, maxValz, -90, 90);
//Caculate 360deg values like so: atan2(-yAng, -zAng)
//atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians)
//We are then converting the radians to degrees
AccAngleX = Rad2Deg * (atan2(-xAng, -zAng) + PI);
AccAngleY = Rad2Deg * (atan2(-yAng, -zAng) + PI);
// Keep angles between +-180deg
if(AccAngleX>180) AccAngleX=AccAngleX-360;
if(AccAngleY<=180) AccAngleY=-1.0*AccAngleY;
if(AccAngleY>180) AccAngleY=360-AccAngleY;
// Final values...
Roll = (0.98)*(Roll + GyroRateX) + (0.02)*(AccAngleX);
Pitch = (0.98)*(Pitch + GyroRateY) + (0.02)*(AccAngleY);
Yaw = GyroAngleZ;
// Reads and averages ADC values for calibration
float Avg_ADC(int ADC_In)
long ADC_Temp=0;
for(int i=0; i<ADC_Avg_Num; i++)
ADC_Temp = ADC_Temp+analogRead(ADC_In);
delay(10); // Delay 10ms due to gyro bandwidth limit of 140Hz (~7.1ms)
return VPQ*(ADC_Temp/ADC_Avg_Num); //Average ADC, convert to volts
void Calibrate(void)
Gx_Cal = Avg_ADC(1); // Gyro_x on pin 1
Gy_Cal = Avg_ADC(0); // Gyro_y on pin 0
Gz_Cal = Avg_ADC(2); // Gyro_z on pin 2
//////// END CODE //////